Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dental School in San Francisco

In January Eric was accepted into the University of the Pacific Dental School in San Francisco, CA, so we had been anxiously looking forward to the big move all year. Finally, in July, we quit our jobs and made the move up. We moved into a place called the Presidio. It's actually a national park, so even though it is right in the city, it's surrounded by trees and trails and the beach. Even better, the beach right across the street is called "Baker Beach" and we moved into the Baker Beach apartments.=)

I really had no idea how gorgeous it is here. The picture directly above is of Baker Beach. I can't believe I see the Golden Gate bridge everyday. We love it. Of course, everyone knows I think the weather could be warmer (it's hard to get tan when it's overcast =)) but it really is an amazing experience to live here. We've tried out a few restaurants and we're starting to get to know the city a little bit. It has so much personality.

Eric is loving school and doing very well. He rides to school everyday on his moped and it only takes him about 10 minutes or so. The schedule is quite rigorous, so we're learning how to balance study with play. He's doing great. It seems like we've been planning this our whole lives, so it's wonderful to actually be doing it!

It's a Boy!

On July 1st Eric and I went to get a 3D Ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. From the beginning Eric had been convinced that it was a boy, but I really had no premonition either way. As soon as the ultrasound started the woman asked us what we thought it was. Eric said, "Boy!" She said, "Yep. It's a boy!" We were having a hard time seeing his face; he must have been sleeping or something, because he kept turning further away. Finally he rolled over and it was hilarious what we saw. He was stretched out on his back with his arms crossed behind his head, elbows out, and his legs propped up, crossed, in front of him. He was just chillin' there. If this is indicative of his personality, he's definitely taking after Eric. That would be fine with me!

I've included one of the ultrasound pictures below, but it didn't quite get the whole thing. You can see his cute little face, though. Adorable.


Eric and I found out in March that we're expecting! I was anticipating this development, but for some reason when I saw that positive sign on the pregnancy test I couldn't help but freak out. It was so strange! It definitely took a while to sink in. In fact, I didn't believe it for a couple of weeks. I was totally in denial--you can ask Eric. That night we went out to Sushi to celebrate. Of course, I only ate certain kinds. It's a good thing we went then because as soon as the morning sickness kicked in I wasn't such a big fan of Sushi.

Our due date was originally December 4th, and then moved up to November 30th.

USC Football

It's a good thing I grew up loving to watch college football, otherwise I would be hating life right now and every other college football season of my life. Eric can watch and research the games and players like no other... although I'm sure there are many other wives that feel the same way about their husband! I actually grew up somewhat of a UCLA fan because my grandfather played for them, but when I joined Eric's family I had to embrace USC in order to preserve the relationship =). It's all good since Eric roots for the BYU cougars right along with me.

We were lucky enough to go to several of the USC games last season, but after starting dental school this year I have a feeling that we won't be back to one for a long time. In the meantime, I'm sure we'll catch every game from our living room.

Monday, September 8, 2008

James' Mission Call

My little brother James received his mission call to the Barcelona, Spain mission. He left about a year ago, and he's doing awesome! When I talked to him on the phone last I noticed that he had lost his surfer accent and is picking up that missionary accent... if you know what I mean. Hearing him speak Spanish is awesome, especially when he uses that theta or feta =) or whatever it's called. Bar-the-lona!


Eric and I went to see the play Wicked a couple times in the past several months. It was pretty dang good. Eric saw it a couple years ago and raved about it, and we love listening to the music together, so it was great to finally see the play myself. The second time I saw it I was able to recognize when the actors made some mistakes or ad-libbed a little bit, and it was hilarious because they were cracking up on stage. Glinda and Elphaba were actually laughing so hard at one point that they couldn't get out their lines. Anyway, it was very impressive. Those girls' voices are amazing!

* Getting Married *

On October 14, 2006, Eric and I were married in the Los Angeles LDS temple. What a day! Neither one of us was nervous at all, except maybe about getting there on time. The ceremony was beautiful, although I didn't plan on being so emotional. The day started out cloudy and rainy, but by the time the ceremony was over the clouds had gone and the sun was bright, giving everything a clean, new feeling. It created the perfect ambiance for the first day of our new life together. It was also great weather for our outdoor reception. The flowers and decorations were divine (thank you to mom Pace) and the Bakers worked so hard to make their house and landscaping picture perfect. To sum it all up, it couldn't have been more wonderful. Best of all, Eric and I couldn't have been more sure about marrying each other, and nothing could have made us happier. It feels like life just began!