Monday, April 6, 2009

Like Mother/Father, Like Son

Fun with the Fam

It was great to go home and spend time with our families and each other for the break. Cruise is just so much fun. His personality is coming out. He always seems to have a little smirk and he learned how to blow bubbles, which he constantly does. Smirking and blowing bubbles at the same time makes him look as though he's teasing you or laughing at you. We've discovered that he's a little shy. The poor guy's lost most the hair on the top of his head. =( He likes to fake that he's coughing and then smile. Strange, but very cute.

Even with all his changes he's still our same calm, relaxed little guy.

He's gotten good at push-ups.

Bath time's the best. I love his muscles! Ok, rolls.

Cruise with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Nicholas.
Getting a kiss from cousin Alexis.

Aunt Kelly getting some good laughs from Cruise.
Having some fun with Uncle Jake.

Cruise hasn't started crawling yet, but in trying to scoot forward, he scoots backward. =)

Getting fond of San Fran'

So the longer we live here the more I love this place. I'll admit it was quite an adjustment, and my level of fondness seems to correlate with the temperature, but this place is really unlike any other. It's gorgeous. There is so much to do. Of course it helps when your husband has a week off of school so you can enjoy it with him. Here are some of the places I like to go to and the views from there.

Also, yay for Eric! He got through 3rd quarter finals! Those are infamous for being the toughest finals at UOP, and they are done!! I've been so impressed with Eric's nack for being able to pull off the lowest A in the class -- in other words spend the least amount of time studying possible to get the grade he needs. He's our hero. Everyone here says that school is all down hill from here... but I'll believe it when I see it. Don't want to get my hopes up too high. =) However, if the worst is over, then it wasn't all THAT bad....

Life is good, indeed. I feel extremely blessed.

Discovering his feet

Cruise has really been progressing a ton in the past month. This clip is from a few weeks ago. It was on a day when he was sitting next to me on the couch looking down and he noticed his feet for what might have been the first time. He tried to grab them and play with them, and immediately after that he started using them... creatively. Watch the video to see what I mean. =)

Now he always tries to raise his legs to grab his feet, even if he is in a sitting position. It's funny to watch.