Monday, June 7, 2010

It's been real...

Has it really been two years since we moved to San Francisco? It's been such an experience! We've loved it. What a place. We'll keep these memories close the rest of our lives. We're moving just a half-hour outside of the city for the remainder of our time at UoP. We decided we might as well enjoy some fabulous weather for a year since we don't know where we'll be for the next 6.

In just a couple of days Eric will be done with his second year in dental school. Third year? He can't be a third-year already. C-R-A-Z-Y. Crazy, but exciting. Time for oral surgery applications.

Below: Our first week in San Francisco

Man, I'm glad I grew those bangs out.

Awesome sib's

Here's a picture of all my siblings from me down... and Cruise is in there too. I stole this picture from you, Jen. It made me miss all you guys a ton. I'd say you're each pretty rad. Can't wait to see you!