Monday, February 23, 2009

Couple Cute Clips of Cruise

How's that alliteration?

3 months!

I can't believe it's been three months already that we have had Cruise with us. It's been so fun... that's probably why the time has flown. Eric's been able to spend more time at home this quarter which has been great. (Maybe it's because I'm trying to be a better cook.) Maybe the reason the last three months have been so great is that Cruise has been sleeping through the night since before he hit two months. I know. I'm so lucky; I almost feel guilty.

(Above: Happy rested mom)

Since we had Cruise I haven't really posted much about what Eric and I have been up to. That's because we haven't really been up to anything interesting. The most exciting thing about us is now Cruise. I'll try to get more interesting so I have something to post about myself.

He loves his baths. He looks like a little fat king relaxing on his throne while I wash him. =)

This was pretty funny. Eric and I went on a hike in the brisk San Francisco weather, so we bundled him all up to keep him warm. When we came back and I laid him down, he stayed exactly how he was put. I think his arms and legs were so heavy he thought he couldn't move them. This could be a break through. Maybe I'll put him down for his naps like this.

Approaching 3 months

At this point Cruise seemed to reach the apex of his chubbiness. We think he's grown a little length-wise since then and appears to be a little trimmer... dangit. I love his chub. The rolls on his arms really just look like muscles to me. =) Maybe you can tell a little in the pictures below.

Cruise pics by Jen

When I was home over Christmas my sister, Jenni, took some great pictures of Cruise. She's a fabulous photographer and I thought I'd post some of the pictures. I also developed and framed several of these and they are now displayed all over the apartment. =) Keep in mind that Cruise is only a month and a half in these. He's sure changed a lot since then!