Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 months and cruising

Cruise has really hit an age where he's progressing by leaps and bounds. He's expanding his vocabulary--we get him to say da-da-da-da all the time--and he makes the cutest yelling noises. He's starting to piece things together, like he'll remember when we hide something from him and go back to get it later. He's eating a ton of food (and actually digesting it well).
He's doing what looks like the worm wherever he wants to go and climbing up on (and in) everything in his path.
I let him explore sand for the first time the other day. I was surprised that he only tried to explore it with his mouth 2 or 3 times. He was fascinated by it. I thought it was cute to get the bridge right behind him. Cruise's hair puts the Golden Gate to shame.. he makes it look like a dull brown =). On days like the one when these pictures were taken, I love living in San Francisco. I can't believe how gorgeous it is.
When he hits a rug with his walker he'll lift up the tray with his hands so the wheels go over the edge of the rug. He's also starting to exhibit the first signs of major frustration. When he can't get his walker to go where he wants he clenches his five teeth and makes a noise somewhere between a growl and a squeal. He'll try and try to force his walker to move while he makes that noise. It's so interesting to see him showing such real-person emotions. It makes me realize that I'm actually going to have to start parenting soon. Better start reading some books.

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