Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's this face or that lately

First cleat try-on.
First band-aid.
Many more to come.

Was today a dream...

...Or did Eric really finally get his board scores? I'm about to go to bed, and I am so worried I'm going to wake up tomorrow and all this won't have really happened. I just want it to be over SO BAD. Please don't be a dream, please don't be a dream.

And more from Christmas

Some more Christmas photos.... We've had it straight from the mouth of Cruise's grandparents that they are trying their best to spoil him. Eric and I have our hands full trying to keep that from happening.

Do you think we have room for all those toys in our apartment? No way. The toys are on a rotation system.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas... and more

Alright, I started uploading pictures of Christmas and I got carried away. There are also pictures from Thanksgiving, etc. I miss all these faces and places, so I thought I would just upload a ton so I can look at them whenever and remember how much I miss and love you guys and our good times.

Sweetness personified.

Groan. Miss. This.

Precious faces

Love this face.
Both of them.