Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lost camera, musical genius

So our camera got lost somewhere between Peru and southern California and here. Hence, I haven't been able to post any of the cute pictures we had on it. However, this will now force me to learn how to use our much more complicated video camera. Hopefully I'll get something up here sometime this year.

There was one thing I had to post really quickly. Last night we were watching American Idol and Cruise was just playing with some blocks. One of the singers ended with his last note and all of a sudden Cruise sings out the exact same note with accompanying vowel sound. It was hilarious. Seriously, it was the exact pitch! My kid's a musical genius! Just kidding, but it was really astounding. Eric and I laughed so hard and he kept doing it over and over, and the pitch started sliding all over the place. I tried to get it on video, but he'd lost the pitch by then, even though I kept trying to get him to do it. I turned off the camera and bam, he starts singing it again. I guess that's how it is. You'll just have to believe me. =)


Lindy said...

Of course he's a musical genius! Just look at his mom; singer/songwriter/harpist/guitarist/pianist. It makes sense. :) Miss you guys!

Chef Kelly said...

This is the funniest thing that I have ever heard! I laughed out loud reading this. Love your cute lil genius boy!