Monday, June 7, 2010

It's been real...

Has it really been two years since we moved to San Francisco? It's been such an experience! We've loved it. What a place. We'll keep these memories close the rest of our lives. We're moving just a half-hour outside of the city for the remainder of our time at UoP. We decided we might as well enjoy some fabulous weather for a year since we don't know where we'll be for the next 6.

In just a couple of days Eric will be done with his second year in dental school. Third year? He can't be a third-year already. C-R-A-Z-Y. Crazy, but exciting. Time for oral surgery applications.

Below: Our first week in San Francisco

Man, I'm glad I grew those bangs out.


Lindy said...

2 years and almost 2 kids! Good work! :) I can't believe how fast it has gone by! Kiss that cute boy of yours for us. We love you and are excited to see you guys in a couple weeks!

Jennifer elizabeth said...

6 years? that's a long time. you like your new place??

Lindsay said...

WOW. how is it that these aren't that old but you still look really young? like seriously.. eric looks like he's five in that top picture. HAH