Saturday, September 3, 2011

Is that a peace sign?

All day Eric has been walking around the house singing Battle Hymn of the Republic. "Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah...." It was completely subconscious, and he might not have realized why he was doing it, but I must know him better than he knows himself because I know eXACTly why he was doing it. Football has begun. And "Hallelujah" is the only thing that expresses the joy in his soul. =) And today, actually right now, his beloved team is playing. He's in heaven.

I must confess, I enjoy it too. I'm that girl at the football game parties that doesn't want to be rude to the other girls who are carrying on lively conversation but that really really wants to just watch the game. This has been the case since I was a little girl at family get-togethers. All the women would be in the kitchen talking and laughing and I'd be in the den with my grandpa, uncles and brothers - all football fanatics (within reason; I learned what football fanaticism was when I met some of Eric's extended family). This brings me to think of my Grandpa Pace (football ALWAYS makes me think of him), or as more affectionately known, Papa. He passed away yesterday. He had a full, rich life and I'm so happy he can be with Mema again. I'm going to post about his life soon. I'll miss him. He was such a fabulous grandfather! I'm so thankful to know of the Plan of Salvation and that I will see him again whole and happy!

But now MY game is on, so gotta go!

Oh, and the answer is NO! It's a V for Victory!

Siiigh, wish I was there. (below)


Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'll always remember watching and going to the football games with you! So much fun! Yesterday I was trying to teach the kids, "touchdown" and "Goooooo cougars!" Love ya, Jo!

The Standrings said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa.