Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mission CallS!!

I'm so proud of Julia and Jordan, two of my younger sibs, for preparing for and accepting calls to serve missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They got their calls back-to-back...Jules on Wednesday, Jordan on Thursday.

It took some finagling for all my family to be able to watch them opening their calls. Somehow we managed it.

Julia's call...

Russia Rostov-na-Donu Mission


In her own words, "It's just crazy. I can't pronounce the name of the mission and it has two dashes."

Julia is proficient in American Sign Language, so we thought she had a pretty good chance of being called to a signing mission. Nope.

And Jordan's call...

Korea Seoul Mission!!! 

Craziness! No South America for this guy. Korea was the furthest guess from my mind, and Jordan is so beyond stoked. 

Jules and Jordan are going to be the most fantastic, hard-working missionaries ever. I admire their testimonies of Jesus Christ and their strict moral standard. We are all going to miss them well as benefit from the blessings of their service. I love you both!


Lindy said...

I agree with everything you said. :) They are gonna be amazing missionaries! Can't wait to read their letters! Very cute pictures. It was a fun/crazy time getting everyone "together". Can't believe we actually pulled it off. ha!

The Murrays said...

That is awesome Joanna! Congrats! Nick served in St. Petersburg Russia and my in-laws served in Rostov! If she has any questions I'm sure they would love to talk to her!