Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom

It would have been your 56th. I can just imagine you giving me a mock-distressed look and telling me not to tell everyone. But you didn't really care about that, things like age and looking perfect and young. Maybe that's because you aged so gracefully you didn't need to worry about that, but I think it's more. The essence of you is composed by things that are REAL. Things that matter. You have so many spiritual gifts and talents that we all admire, and I am trying to emulate them to carry on your legacy. I have a long way to go. Some of the qualities I admire in you most:

~Your selflessness. You cared about everyone else more than yourself. You spent all your time taking care of us. You didn't have pride to get in the way of building up everyone else. The humility you possessed was tangible.

~Your sensitivity. You felt things sharply, especially because of the way you never intended any ill will to anyone else. When you felt it directed at yourself, it hurt deeply. You needed harmony and peace for you to thrive, which meant you were always striving to have the spirit with you and in our home. You could not be lulled into complacency.

~ Your innocence. You kept yourself safe from the influences of the world. You were so childlike. You were able to keep things simple, and in that I mean that you stuck to the only things that matter when all is said and done. You were able to cut through all the distractions and seize hold of what is crucial. Some would have the perspective that you missed out on worldly things—rather, you strived to miss out on none of the nuances of the critical things. You always kept your priorities correctly ranked and on your mind.

~Your long-suffering. You didn't have an easy life. You went through a lot of hard things and gained the ability to empathize with many people. But you overcame it all by the way you endlessly turned the other cheek and remained mild, kind, hopeful and joyful. Many things you said and did told me without a doubt that your best friend and confidant was the Savior, Jesus Christ.

I miss you so much, mom. We love you. Happy Birthday.


The Standrings said...

She sounds like you, Joanna! What a beautiful woman she was and still is! And how well she taught you! You are amazing and I know your mom is so proud of you.

The Murrays said...

What a beautiful tribute! She sounds like an amazing woman, and I'm sure she would be so proud of you and the mom that you are!