Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Summer Fun, August - September 2013

So good to finally have a backyard!! 

Big girl underwear. =) Love that grin.

Cruise has a very tender heart,  especially when it comes to bugs and reptiles. He loves catching lizards in the backyard. He shed a few tears after we told him it was time to set this lizard free, but getting a picture with his dear friend gave him a little consolation. (See lizard in lower left corner.)

Had to say farewell to some best buddies.

Started "for-reals" pre-school.

Laynie is still home with me everyday, but she likes to pretend that she goes to preschool sometimes, too. =)

This is how McLayne finishes her cereal. Pretty sure I did that when I was little, too. Aaand, maybe every now and then when the cereal is especially sugary. 

You WILL look at the camera and smile.

McLayne is such a ham. She was loving those firefighters.

She saw a beautiful little flower, went to pick it, and the whole plant, roots and all, crashed into her face. I hope I remember that forever.

The many faces of McLayne:

How gorgeous is that hair?????

We tried to make it more fun to take our kids through the carwash and told them there's a big octopus that  washes the car inside the drive-thru. Now McLayne is terrified to go through it and does this the entire time. We are great parents.

Crazy hair day at preschool.

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