Friday, November 6, 2009


Halloween was fun this year. Cruise was a tiger, okay, actually he was Tigger. And just an FYI, the tummy on the suit was stuffed--it added about 5 pounds to him. =) Eric and I did what we usually do: we wait 'till one day before and try to figure out costumes for ourselves that are as quick, simple, and cheap as possible. We're so boring. Maybe next Halloween we'll do better. We decided to be cat burglars. Or ninjas. We had gloves and a flashlight but on the way into the ward Halloween party someone asked if we were ninjas and Eric said, "Yep" and threw the flashlight back in the car. He was like, "Sweet, now I don't have to wear gloves or carry a flashlight." Whichever one people called us, burglar or ninja, we happily agreed to. My mask definitely looked more like a ninja mask because the eye holes were bothering me so much I had to make it into one big eye hole.

Cruise, on the other hand, was pretty clearly a tiger (=) okay a tigger), even with the hood off his head. His hair blended nicely. He even started growling a couple days before Halloween; I have no idea why.

The day before Halloween Cruise and I joined most of the other dental school moms and visited Eric at school for lunch. It was fun seeing all the kiddos running around in their costumes. The other kid-less students get a kick out of it.


Lindy said...

Great pictures, Joanna! He is the cutest Tigger I've ever seen. :) And you guys look super sneaky. :)

KB said...

Love the tiger costume!