Monday, October 27, 2008

Ultrasound pics

So... only five weeks left until this baby is born. I'm getting to the point where I'm hoping he comes early! Everything is pretty darn uncomfortable, and I really miss exercising and sleeping soundly. I'm not sure if I'm going to get more sleep when the baby's born, but at least when I do sleep I will be comfortable. As for right now, that is definitely not the case. Also related to sleeping, I don't know if I am just noticing it now because I wake up so much more or if it has always been this way, but Eric is or is becoming an absolute crazy person when he sleeps. Quick example: the other night (in his sleep) he started asking me what I was pointing at. Mind you, he didn't even have his eyes open. I was like, "What?!" I told him I wasn't pointing at anything, at which point he continued to ask me, in a quite urgent tone, what I was pointing at. Then he sat up and looked straight at me and repeated his question in a crazy person voice. I asked him, "Does it look like I'm pointing at anything?!" He stopped, and then said, "Well, you were," rolled over, and went back to sleep. Stubborn. Weird, but I'd rather deal with that than his elbows or the back of his head--which he likes to place on top of my face from time to time. I have to mention how sweet he is, though, even in his sleep. Ever since I started sleeping with several pillows at night, I always wake up in the middle of the night to find Eric's pillow placed next to me and Eric sleeping with no pillow. He has no recollection of doing this, but it happens pretty much every other night. Isn't that sweet?

Okay, here are a couple of the 3D ultrasound pics from a week and a half ago. Now, we can't for sure know that this is what he looks like, because his face was actually smushed up against something, and then they removed the image of what he was up against from the pic, so even though you can see his face clearly, if you look closely you can tell that it's smushed in a couple places. It will be fun to compare when he's born to see how much this picture actually looks like him.

Look at his big fist. The lady doing the ultrasound said they were mitts. Hmm, looks like the fist of someone I know.
Kind of random, but I thought this one was cute. If you can't tell, it's his little leg. =) Not too little, though, right? There's already a little bit of chub on it.


Unknown said...

That's hilarious! Colby kept smacking me in the middle of the night when we first got married. He'd roll over and whack me in the face! And cute baby! He does have big hands and feet. I'm so excited for you. If you haven't gotten a body pillow yet it might help and so does sleeping on your left side. At least that's what the doctor's told me. It makes it easier to breathe when you are on your left!

Davianne said...

Oh Gosh! That's funny! Husbands are crazy sometimes. I can't believe your little man is going to be here soon!! I feel like you just told me you were pregnant! So exciting!

Jennifer elizabeth said...

wow. at least you know he is your kid from these pictures. pretty crazy

Luikart Family said...

Oh my, Ben and I had no idea that you were even expecting?!?! How great at communication is our family? :) Wow I am so thrilled for the two of you! I am glad we have your blog now so that we can keep in touch.

Natalie said...

I remember that Jared started saying really crazy things when I was up all night nursing Isaac. One time he was talking in his sleep and I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I'm just checkin' the chicken, checkin' the chickin!"

I'm so excited to see what little baby Baker looks like! Hang in there! Even when I'm up at night taking care of a newborn, I feel more rested than at the end of pregnancy!

Sheena said...

BAKERS! Congratulations on your little boy! Can't wait to meet him... We sure miss you guys and we think about your cute family all the time. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog! I hope to keep in touch!